Malam sobat, kali ini saya akan membagikan driver usb joystick. soalnya saya beli stick tapi driver nya malah buat windows xp / vista . reply delete. replies. rey gaul 5 may 2015 at 06:55. work kok, saya saja memakai windows 8 work hehehehe. terima kasih atas kunjungannya. delete.. Thrustmaster t.flight hotas x joystick driver 2009 version 2 2014-07-23 it is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available. try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver.. Nih silahkan download driver joystick usb bagi yang drivernya ilang ato buat yang ga sempat backup driver joystick usb nya. d o w n l o a d 1.3 mb. gan, saya menggunakan windows 7. pake stick k-one, udah sama driver, sama direct 7 tetep gak bisa. mohon bantuannya september 18, 2014 at 2:45 am.
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If you can not find a driver for your operating system you can ask for it on our forum. add logitech attack 3 joystick to your hardware list windows 8 , windows 8 64-bit , windows 7 , windows 7 64-bit , windows vista , windows vista 64-bit , windows xp , windows xp 64-bit , windows 2000 , windows 98 , windows me. Ppjoy – parallel port joystick win7 version : description: this is the version that everyone is looking for, this works under windows 7 if driver enforcer is disabled. 7-11-2009 after a break of many years i’ll release a new beta version of ppjoy soon.. Os: windows 7 x64 i think it's off to a very good start. i'm glad that someone is producing a virtual joystick driver to fill in for ppjoy as ppjoy has become rather long in the tooth, and its development has stagnated..